Beat Haters Plans

When forces of negativity arise to combat your progress, you must be ready yourself for the fight. When pressures such as bank denials and business opportunities look bleak and come against me there are some particular scriptures that I like to use to help me. We cannot fight these things all of the time with our natural resources. Most occurrences we need our supernatural resources. I went to bed with a problem. When I looked at it, there was no natural solution. The Holy Spirit woke me up and directed me to Psalm 21. In Psalm 21 there are a lot of exaltations about things God does for a person. But I searched out the scripture and found how to Beat Haters Plans in verse #11. It says for

“they intended evil against thee, they imagined a mischief device which they are not able to perform”.

This is enough for me to shout and get excited about the word of God. But it continues on in verse #12,

“therefore thou shall make them turn their back. When thou (God) shall make ready thine arrows, upon thy strings against the face of them.”

God is not only going to make their plans fail.  Anything they imagined will not be able to be performed. He also is going to ready his arrows and put them directly in their face. I do not know what God arrows look like but I would not want them pointed at my face. Your God fights for you. Your only requirement is to raise your prayers up to him. The wonderful thing about God is, if you continue reading in verse 13 it says,

 “Be thou exalted Lord in thine own strength; so we will sing and praise thy power.”

By singing and praising God’s power he will be exalted in his own strength. And we can praise his power, a power greater than any force in the universe. Greater than the waves, greater than the sun, greater than the sea and sky even greater than banks and businesses that are Fortune 500 or top one 100. God is bigger than any problem you have and He does not want them to be able to perform mischief devices. Let’s have the Patience to Dominate today and exalt and praise the Lord. 

I made a confession out of the entire Psalm 21 that we can repeat in a previous post. If you look to the post noted here you will see that every day you can wake and exalt the Lord and live in his strength. 

Walk like you Talk

1 John 2 verse 6

In my men’s group “Cards on the Table”, we were discussing relationships. Above is one of the scriptures. I commented that the actor who portrays Jesus in the Series “The Chosen” does a fantastic job demonstrating walking in the Lord. My favorite characteristic is how he is pensive before every action. It seems to indicate that all his thoughts and actions are first submitted to the Lord. If we abide in him our thoughts and actions will be submitted to his will. Demonstrate your commitment to the Father by walking like Jesus.

Dominate your thoughts, Dominate your actions, Dominate your world. TM

Psalm 21, Confession for Men

This psalm will help Men understand where their strength resides. It also helps establish how God thinks of us. it is best to make these confessions aloud.

  • I shall joy in your strength O’ Lord and in your salvation, how greatly shall I rejoice.
  • You have given me my hearts desire and have not withheld the request of my lips.
  • You have sent blessings of good things to meet me, and You have set a crown of pure gold upon my head.
  • I ask life of You; You gave it to me. Even in length of days for Ever.
  • My glory is great because of Your grace and salvation and honor and majesty. Thank you for Your help, aid, and assistance that You have laid upon me.
  • You have made to be blessed and a blessing forever.
  • You make me exceedingly glad, with the joy of Your presence.

21 The king shall have joy in Your strength, O Lord;
And in Your salvation how greatly shall he rejoice!
You have given him his heart’s desire,
And have not withheld the request of his lips. Selah

For You meet him with the blessings of goodness;
You set a crown of pure gold upon his head.
He asked life from You, and You gave it to him—
Length of days forever and ever.
His glory is great in Your salvation;
Honor and majesty You have placed upon him.
For You have made him most blessed forever;
You have made him [a]exceedingly glad with Your presence.
For the king trusts in the Lord,
And through the mercy of the Most High he shall not be [b]moved.

Thrive to Survive!

Thriving is flourishing in the correct environment. Thrive can mean to be fulfilled or developed successfully. It also is to flourish in an environment.

 Surviving is getting through a tough situation and coming out on the other side.

Thrive to Survive seems backwards because after you survive a circumstance, you want to thrive to be better. It is wise to set yourself in a peaceful, joyous environment before the test. If not you will have trouble surviving the tests. The Kingdom of God is similar. You should establish your relationship with God before the situation occurs.

  • Create a prayer life with God.
    • Set times to converse with your heavenly Father.
    •  Orally out loud. Communicate with him on daily decisions.
    •  Thank him often for the current love and mercy he shows you.
  • Create Kingdom living in your habits.
    •  Make it your business to remove negative influences.
    •  Promote God thoughts among your friends.
    •  Bless people regularly with your thoughts, words and deeds.
  • Focus on God.
    • Reduce yourself contemplating.
    • Ask God what he wants, then go carry out the instructions.
    •  Open your mind to the God way of doing things.

If you set your course to the thriving, the impact of negative situations will be diminished. Thrive to Survive takes meditation and focus. The reward is twofold. You will enjoy your life more on a regular basis. And when low moments happen, you will be full of love and contentment to overcome the obstacle.

1The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

2He makes me lie down in green pastures.

He leads me beside still waters.

3He restores my soul.

He leads me in paths of righteousness

for his name’s sake.

4Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil,

for you are with me;

your rod and your staff,

they comfort me.

5You prepare a table before me

in the presence of my enemies;

you anoint my head with oil;

my cup overflows.

6Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me

all the days of my life,

and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord


Psalm 23 shows us that God has us flourishing before the trouble. We are thriving like plants by the water until we walk into trouble. He restores our soul. Always replenishing us.

Thrive to Survive!

Comfortable is Not King

Progress at all Cost.

Whenever “I want to be comfortable” enters into my mind I equate this to giving up. Comfort combats progress. When my goals were a car, a house, and a family, I worked day in and day out. As the comforts of American life were afforded to me, the desire to hustle decreased. This decreased effort is proplexing. Now, you and I have to manufacture the desire to take territory and elevate to royalty status.

Comfort is not king for young people either. As parents we want our children to have the best life possible, this usually turns out to be an easy life also. In order to teach the younger generation that a good life does not always mean a comfortable life. We must teach them to have high expectations. Prayfully, high expectations equal high effort. When people say “I don’t want anymore”, they are saying I don’t want to give anymore effort.

Give effort that exceeds your comforts level, move daily to conquer your fears and press towards your goals. When you reach your pinnacle of success, set new goals. Even if these goals are to help others increase their goals, never stop setting goals. Comfortable surroundings will make you feel good. Comfortable situations will make life easier. But, comfort will not help you dominate. Comfort will not grow your vision. Comfort will not change the world for the better. Comfort is not King. Make bold decisions. Shake up your routine. Maximize your time and dream. -Dominate Your Life

Don’t let them cross your border

There is one weed in my yard that continues to grow back! It is in the backyard behind the two fences. It has been sprayed twice and is difficult to get to. I even trimmed it once and pushed it behind the fence a few times. I then, looked at it and said you will not cross my border anymore.

That’s when God said that’s a life lesson.

We allow distractions to cross over into our life. We allow destructive behavior to enter our habits. We allow melancholy thoughts to invade our world overcoming philosophy. Some devoid/demonic thoughts have to be continually destroyed.

Be careful when you see them do not entertain foolishness in your borders. Things and people that are not helpful to the Kingdom of God and your dominance on this earth should not be tolerated. Easier said than done.

This is a little encouragement,

” You will succeed and you do not have to accept the invasion of the “weeds of life”.

William J. Spencer IV

Proverbs 24 v. 16

“For just a man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.”

Psalms 147 v. 14

“For he hath streghthend the bars of thy gates, he hath blessed the children within thee. He maketh peace in thy borders and filleth thee with the finest wheat. “

God is Not Mad at You

The Father in Heaven spoke to me about those who think He is mad at them. In this time it seems He is mad at the entire planet. But, He pleaded with me to write and tell you. He is not mad with you. You are His children, and he wants a relationship with you. Arm and arm we are together in this relationship.

Jer. 31:3 Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love, therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee.

God has always loved you, and He desires to draw you to His love with love.

Jer 31:20 … I do earnestly remember Him still; therefore my bowels are troubled for Him . I will surely have mercy upon Him saith the Lord.

When you are troubled, ” God is troubled”. I challenge you to name any offense or objection, for even these, He forgives you and has mercy on you. Any other thought foreseen is a lie, God Is Not Mad At You, He Loves You.

You are fit for the Kingdom. He will nourish you. Change the way you view your relationship with God. God does not hold grudges like man.

Jer. 31:25 For I have satisfied the wavy soul, and I have replenished every sorrowful soul.

God is a replenisher – not a punisher. So stop running around and thinking that He is mad at you. If you rest in the facts that God Is Not Mad At You, you will even get the benefit of sweet sleep.

Jer. 31:26 Upon this (knowing that He is not mad) I awoke and looked around. My sleep had been pleasant to me.

Dominate Your Thoughts, Dominate Your Actions, Dominate Your World !TM

Aug. 26th, 2020


Walk back to God

Run back to God

Remove your barriers, loose yourself

Make way for fellowship! Forget your wrong doings. forget your wrong ways.

Strong desires and BIG mistakes.

Long Nights – Wiery Days

All are turned over to the Father.

The gift, His gift is Forgiveness.

Move into the light. Move with the light.

You are the light. and your burden is light.

Don’t carry anything alone. He is the burden bearer. He is the Yoke Destroyer.

Peace is the mission. Peace in the Struggle. Peace in the Valley.

Walk to God for Peace.

Run to God for Peace.