This morning was a wonderful morning because first of all I woke rested and refreshed. After morning meditation and prayer I went straight into working out. I spoke to my children about throwing your “net on the right side of the ship and ye shall find”. John 21v6 And my daughter said “that’s like getting up on the right side of the bed”. So they were off to school and I showered and dressed. While drinking my coffee I realized I needed a hat. The navy shirt and pullover was a perfect outfit for my Detroit Tigers Hat. This is no ordinary hat; I searched for hours for the right one. It is the “on the field” model with the white piping fitted with the breathable performance material. I purchased this hat on a recent trip to Detroit for which the occasion was to bury an Uncle. So I am sentimentally attached and as hats go this hat is superb. I go to the closet to retrieve the perfect topping for my outfit and it is gone. The search is on. Clear the entire closet, look in my son’s room, go check all the cars; go back to the closet, and still no hat. Now I must interrupt my wife’s beautiful morning and she starts to help me. She questions my memory and then stands on something in the closet to get a better look. When I saw her up there and I felt my heart rate increase I knew the enemy had me looking on the wrong side of the boat and it had nothing to do with the hat. I was doominating the morning and had plans to dominate the entire day, now this hiccup was ruining my attitude. So I asked my wife to terminate the search and continue on her wonderful day. I placed my navy blue Callaway hat with the white rim on my head and said, “God is perfect” and proceeded enjoying the day. Throughout the day the thought of where the Tigers hat may be crossed my mind but, I put it out of my mind and did not allow it to determine the course of my day. So If you lose your hat do not lose your cool.