What to do while you wait

The following is an opening for a chapter in my upcoming book, let me know what you think. The statement, “Occupy until I come,” is taken directly from the bible. The quote from Luke 19, verse 12 and 13, is “A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return. And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come.” Patient ability describes what to do while obtaining patience. This chapter gives examples of human nature while pursuing dominance. The entire passage from Luke is used to demonstrate the rewards of occupying (performing transactions repeatedly) while gaining Patient Ability. This principle contains examples and vivid illustrations of patience. Most motivational books are “rah-rah” cheering books; there are certain aspects of upbeat encouragement throughout this principle. The main premise of Patient Ability is to demonstrate that in any worthwhile journey, there are aspects of continued endurance that propel you to success. This principle gives practical advice for lasting victory. Separate phases are outlined for gaining ability while building a crescendo to dominating life.
Patient Ability is the principle in which we must take a self test and determine our valuable attributes. One must honestly dig deep into what makes himself tick. This is the point where we take off the gloves. You must pull back the veil. There are plenty of things you may be good at doing; however, in order to reach your ultimate goals, you must uncover your true, great talent and develop it. You must determine your limitations. What should you do while being patient? We all want to hunt; however, knowing how to gather is a very important aspect of increasing your ability. The real impact makers know how to gather people, resources, and energy.