1. Know what you are doing and early
To live life from the inside out you first have to know who you are. The best way to do this is to search your own inner Spirit to see where it meets with the Spirit of God that is inside of you. At this place you will find your compass. When you do this early the challenges will not sway your course.
2. Act on your own
Wanting agreement and help on life’s assignments is natural because we are social beings but there are some actions that demand personal courage. Only you and God know your true purpose and it is wonderful to act on your own. When you believe in your dreams others can see the light radiating from inside of you.
“Take the bull by the horns and run with it.”
3. Believe you are capable to handle anything that life brings you
The first three words, “Believe you are capable” should be a confession you make to yourself every morning. Believing you are capable is the highest part of achievement because it is the beginning. The Creator believed in you and gave you talent to perform the assignment He entrusted you with. You can handle anything that life brings your way because you know what you are doing, you know how to act on your own and you believe you are capable.
Jerome says if you find yourself asking, “What can I do to handle these challenges?” follow these three steps and “Live your life from the inside out”.
How will you can you use these steps to overcome your challenges?