What is Consistency?

What’s the most consistent thing that you experience?


Consistency:  steadfast adherence to the same principles, course, form, etc.:

I know I need work in this area, so I decided to do a bit of research. The first word of the definition is steadfast? If I use steadfast I think of never letting go.  Imagine a baby kangaroo holding on to its mother or a stream that flows forever constantly providing life. To be steadfast is to be strong and mortally committed to achieving your goals.

What do we admire about the character of Consistency?  Who is consistent and how did they get that way.  Consistent people do not allow outside influences to disrupt their thought pattern. If you are committed to an idea, that causes you to have a short sided view of the world, this is powerful.  Those that think short sided, ignite innovation.  Rebel against the trend, if it causes destruction.

Consistency, madam, is the first of Christian duties.
Charlotte Bronte

Three Actions that will increase your consistency


You have to forgive your inconsistencies. Forgiveness allows for patience to stick, it acts as the glue on the tape of life.  Forgiving yourself opens your heart to explore the world.


Reflect on your core values

What legacy do you want to leave? Make your feelings a reality.  If you are true to what keeps you centered then you will not go astray.  Copy your goals and say them more often than you think you is necessary.

Change your routine to enhance your dreams

Let go and develop a consistent routine that includes the pursuit for your dreams and goals.  If your routine is not working alter your approach, but keep the same dream.  Expect greatness and use wisdom to consistently achieve your dream life.


Tina Turner’s song “Let’s Stay Together” strikes a tone for steadfastness.  If you can keep your commitments to relationships and values; you are counted among the consistent. Hang on to those things that are dear to you. As long as your hands don’t move you are consistent. Patience will support your consistent nature.

What traits do you possess that show your consistency?