Our lunchroom in elementary school had a plan called the Clean Plate Club. We would try to eat all of the food on our plates. We would eat down to the last bean and then take our fingers and run them around the edge of the tray to get every ounce of dessert. I especially liked the gravy when we had those homemade yeast rolls… Okay, I am getting really hungry, the true reason behind this was so that we as kids received healthy full meals to be able to discern what was being taught.
There is a Clean Plate Club for business also. It is the club where you leave no work on your plate that can be directed to others and moved forward. If it just sitting with you than no progress is being made. Progress happens when you excert force on an idea. Ideas move when we share them with others that move them and add to the momentum. Some ideas are not yours to do anything move. This is where you have to use discernment. discernment is a gift and a skill. Some of us have a strong sense of what we can put on our plate and the rest of us have to be really focused so we will not get trapped.
Part 2 of this post gives more ideas how develop the skill of business discernment as it relates to The Clean Plate Club.