“Don’t get mad at your money” This is a statement that one of my business associates made when a potential customer was giving me a bit of a hard time. I normally have a lot of patience but sometimes I stumble on the path. I liked the saying so much I thought that this would be a good m plank in the platform of patience.
A few days ago a salesman called me to interest me in a retirement fund. He was pleasant and seemed to offer some good products. I very politely told said, ” I am not interested sir.” He continued with his lines about how terrific his product was for these tough times and I said, “I am not interested sir.” Ten he said,”okay you continue to stay small”. After that he hung up. First of all his negative spirit was immediately clear. I had two thoughts: 1. I was glad I did not entertain this “thimblerigger” 2. He needed the lesson, “Don’t get mad at your money.”
Hopefully, this plank in the platform patience will help you hold your tongue in a trying situation. Do not demonstrate anger and allow it to affect your bottom line. Keep all of your morels but have patience with the ignorant.
Matthew 7:6-7
6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
Open the door to your prosperity and close the door to anger and ignorance. Anger robs you of a prosperous future.