Dream the Impossible

It always seems impossible until it’s done. Nelson Mandela

On April 26, 1994, more than 22 million South Africans turned out to cast ballots in the country’s first multiracial parliamentary elections in history. An overwhelming majority chose the ANC to lead the country, and on May 10 Mandela was sworn in as the first black president of South Africa, with de Klerk serving as his first deputy.
The possibility of a Black president in South Africa had to seem silly but once it was done it now seems common. When Nelson Mandela was fighting for a free South Africa he had to imagine this society free and believe in the people and the process. Part of this particular process resulted in in lengthy jail time. Of all the dreams I have none of them involve jail time. When we first started our business we had a dream of financial independence. This seemed impossible because In had no real knowledge on the subject of business. Twenty years later it seems impossible to envision another lifestyle.

Dream big, think the impossible and then go do it.

Matthew 19:26
But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, with men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible

Our Father helps living Man create possibilities here on earth. Do not wait until you get to heaven to receive your glory work on it now. Expect great results and that is what you will have. Do not look at the size or difficulty of the task but look at the possibilities of the dream. Nelson Mandela came from a small village and influenced the world by focusing on what was possible. You will change your situation by acting in the same matter.