Beat Haters Plans

When forces of negativity arise to combat your progress, you must be ready yourself for the fight. When pressures such as bank denials and business opportunities look bleak and come against me there are some particular scriptures that I like to use to help me. We cannot fight these things all of the time with our natural resources. Most occurrences we need our supernatural resources. I went to bed with a problem. When I looked at it, there was no natural solution. The Holy Spirit woke me up and directed me to Psalm 21. In Psalm 21 there are a lot of exaltations about things God does for a person. But I searched out the scripture and found how to Beat Haters Plans in verse #11. It says for

“they intended evil against thee, they imagined a mischief device which they are not able to perform”.

This is enough for me to shout and get excited about the word of God. But it continues on in verse #12,

“therefore thou shall make them turn their back. When thou (God) shall make ready thine arrows, upon thy strings against the face of them.”

God is not only going to make their plans fail.  Anything they imagined will not be able to be performed. He also is going to ready his arrows and put them directly in their face. I do not know what God arrows look like but I would not want them pointed at my face. Your God fights for you. Your only requirement is to raise your prayers up to him. The wonderful thing about God is, if you continue reading in verse 13 it says,

 “Be thou exalted Lord in thine own strength; so we will sing and praise thy power.”

By singing and praising God’s power he will be exalted in his own strength. And we can praise his power, a power greater than any force in the universe. Greater than the waves, greater than the sun, greater than the sea and sky even greater than banks and businesses that are Fortune 500 or top one 100. God is bigger than any problem you have and He does not want them to be able to perform mischief devices. Let’s have the Patience to Dominate today and exalt and praise the Lord. 

I made a confession out of the entire Psalm 21 that we can repeat in a previous post. If you look to the post noted here you will see that every day you can wake and exalt the Lord and live in his strength.