How to Make it Happen


Making it happen is only hard in your mind. Getting things going in the right direction starts with the “I can do mindset” . When you feel like no one else is there and you “gotta” make it happen apply these 3 principles.


Encourage yourself

This seems simple but to encourage yourself you cannot mumble. You need audible encouragement. Write down what you want to say to yourself.  I.E… ( I will publish my e-book before Christmas). Stop reading right now and write 3 encouragements for yourself. Talk good to yourself because the situation is already speaking negatively.


I will be mentally and physically strong.

I can achieve my goals in life.

I will stay ahead.

I won’t slack on little task I need to accomplish.

I will write down my goals and stick to them.

It is about God – not me


10 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going. Ecclesiastes 9:10 (NKJV)

Walk by Faith 

“We walk by Faith and not by sight “ Talk to God first about everything. Once you set some goals and practice encouraging yourself then get out of your comfort zone and make it happen with positive action. Every step is important. Do not get too happy with a little good work, keep walking out your dreams. Faith does not always see what is next but it definitely sees what the end result will be.


One interview is a stepping out on Faith, 20 interviews is walking by Faith

One sales call is encouraging, 20 sales calls is walking by Faith

Sitting at home praying demonstrates Faith in God. Praying while you are on the way to get what you deserve shows faith in action on this earth.

I shall put myself in unknown conditions in order to achieve what I need.

I will push myself to the limit and then go even further.

Instead of accomplishing 3 goals, I will accomplish 5 and then work ahead some more.

Instead of working to a stopping point, I will make it to a new beginning.


If it is to be it is up to me


I have used this statement before because it is one of the encouragements that I SHOUT when it seems that no one wants to help me. Generally the truth is, “No one wants to help me in the manner I want to receive the help.”

It is hard to help someone that does not want to help themselves. God will get it done with or without you.  You get more out of it if you let Him lead you.  So stand up and SHOUT ” If it is to be it is up to me.”

Theses are some things that are constructive to say. Within myself I will work until I cannot anymore, then once I have my strength back I will go and do it again.  I will not stop until it is set to where if I work or not it won’t even matter.


I am going to stop procrastinating and get it done.

I will stay focused and follow through.

When I write out my goals and I will not tweak them to make it easier for me.


Please Remember:


YOU have to get up and help yourself

You have to stop blaming the world for your problems

YOU have to put yourself in a better position

You have to stop looking for the easy way out

YOU have to stand up to the issues and overcome them


YOU have to Make it Happen


My question to you is…


What are you going to do to Make it Happen?

Protect the Lead

This is a sports analogy generally reserved for football but it also can be applied in Business. Generally, it is thought to be more defensive when your team is winning. Even on offense we want our teams to be conservative with their strategies and approach to the game when they are winning. I have a different philosophy on how to protect the lead. When your business is up, pour it on. Be relentless with all you do. Use your defense to blitz the quarterback. The opposing quarterback in business is represented by your biggest problem. Do not take a break from attacking and subduing whatever is attacking your business. If it is bills or production numbers, do not work with a slack hand when you are ahead.

protect the lead photo

Your offense should be even more impressive. You already know how to dominate and gain points. When your sales are up and you are covered in work figure out how to make more calls and appointments. Becoming a scoring machine and keep going for the big clients and bigger deals. Stay with your game plan, every yard is important. Look for the small deals also because they keep the sales quota going. If you need another reason add more effort just think of the third stringers that want to play. In business these are the new hires, people you may not know exist. When you get really far ahead you can rest a little and let the new hires help out some.
The Bible says in Genesis 1; 28 “And God blessed them, and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. This verse relates to protecting the lead because fruitful and multiply means making more of what God has given to you.

Finally, to protect the lead you have to remain patient and play smart. One fundamental way to protect the lead is to finish strong. Do not get sloppy because you have some success. You are only as good as your last play. Stay focused and make good decisions as if you are just starting the game.

How to do a lot of things at one time

info@mikolji.comWrite it all down
Write all of your project and to-do things down on paper. I say this over and over and over again. Electronic notation in your phone or on your pad is fine also but set frequent reminders. Even set a reminder to review your list. Write down small things in a consistent visible place and you will have a better chance of completing them. If your list are large it is okay because at least you will not forget anything. Write down the major and the insignificant because the insignificant will cloud your brain at the most inopportune time. Remember to keep a consistent place for you list: sticky notes and little pieces of paper get lost. Finally, date all of your list.
Attack the hard stuff first
This is difficult to me because I like volume. I always try to do a lot of projects at the same time. So sometimes I will do the little things to prepare for the big thing. And what always happens is the big thing gets pushed to the next day. Do not procrastinate, Procrastination leads to bad karma. Sometimes the hard stuff needs a list of its own. This is quite aright and possibly preferable because another list will cause you to do it right. The premise of this step is to attack the hard stuff, do not wade in gently: you may get cold feet.
Let nothing wait
Are you ready to dominate, than stop waiting? Sure patience is a virtue but writing an action list requires action. Keep moving forward. Do not be proud of your to-do list, be proud of the action it inspired. Phone calls are the easiest, just take the first hour of the day and call everyone including the people that you know will not answer early. This will promote proactive action and most people will feel obligated to talk with you the second time around. Patience takes action and waiting takes time. Don’t waste time.

5S process gets business done beautifully

5S Seiton - InfoBarrelThe 5S process gets business done beautifully. Recently on a manufacturing plant visit I noticed that all the tools in the facility were clearly marked and the flow of product and people was highly organized. I praised them and the manager and his assistant manager both replied that this excellence was due to the 5S process. Being unfamiliar with this method of lean manufacturing meant there was investigation needed.

The 5S Process is generally credited to the Toyota company who applied it to auto making. Toyota believes this is the way to lean manufacturing. The goal is to reduce or eliminate waste. With every action and process being directly related to the production of product waste of time and energy are eradicated.

The tool room in is particular plant was immaculate. Every inch of the shop and the store room was in order down to the individually outlined places for the tools. The files of the tool manager were kept better than most accountants offices. The added benefit of this organization was that the other managers respected the space within the shop. The 5S Process was the boss and everyone else were the employees.

how to start 5s involve everyone 5s cannot be the

The following information comes from the website Process Improvement Japan

What is 5s?

From the first letter of 5 words in Japanese which mean orderliness (seiri), neatness (seiton),shine (seiso), cleanliness (seiketsu) and discipline (shitsuke). In English, lean 5s is commonly referred to as:

1. Sort

2. Set in Order

3. Shine

4. Standardize

5. Sustain (maintain the discipline to continue with the process)

Lean Manufacturing Tools explains the 5S Process this way.

The five steps of 5S are;

Seiri (Sort, Clearing, Classify) to remove all of the clutter from the work place
Seiton (Straighten, Simplify, Set in order, Configure) to organize all tools, materials and equipment in an efficient and ergonomic manner.
 Seiso (Sweep, shine, Scrub, Clean and Check) to clean up the entire area removing all dirt.
Seiketsu (Standardize, stabilize, Conformity) to ensure standard ways of working for the first three stages.
Shitsuke (Sustain, self discipline, custom and practice) to ensure that 5S principles are part of the culture of the business