Your Kingdom Shall be Abundant

The Lord hears your trouble



The Lord hears you when trouble comes and He comes to your defense. God sends help from Heaven and strengthens you from within.  God will remember your offerings. This means what you offered willingly, He will replenish abundantly.


Psalm 20

20 The Lord hear thee in the day of trouble; the name of the God of Jacob defend thee;

Send thee help from the sanctuary, and strengthen thee out of Zion;

Remember all thy offerings, and accept thy burnt sacrifice; Selah.

Grant thee according to thine own heart, and fulfil all thy counsel.

We will rejoice in thy salvation, and in the name of our God we will set up our banners: the Lord fulfil all thy petitions.

Now know I that the Lord saveth his anointed; he will hear him from his holy heaven with the saving strength of his right hand.

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.

They are brought down and fallen: but we are risen, and stand upright.

Save, Lord: let the king hear us when we call.



A mature believer knows how to ask properly. Asking properly means asking according to Gods words. The latter section of Psalm 20 v 4 says and “fulfill ALL thy counsel.” God wants you to have everything you desire. He saves you from trouble.  He saves you not according to your knowledge and your strength but according to, “the saving strength of His right hand.” What this says is that God will save you with the same strength that He used to save Jesus. Hallelujah.


Now after this declaration of how God saves you the scripture gives you a reminder of the type of “God centered” approach each believer should possess.


“Some trust in Chariots, and some in horses, but we will remember the name of the Lord”


Even when He blesses you with things and gives you favor you must remember, it is not the things that are the blessings but it is He who Blesses that you crave.


Your new situation is so good that you do not even remember the old problems.

You shall not even hear crying or weeping, only joy. Your new ideas will not die.   What you build on this earth you shall inhabit and no one shall take it away from you. You will enjoy all of your fruit.  No more mean people coming in and destroying you. People can’t hold you down or put you out. They do not have the power to take what is rightfully yours.


Your new ideas will not die.

There are several themes that God mentions over and over again. One is what you build no man shall take. They cannot take your houses, they cannot take your business, and they will not inhabit what you build. Only you and your children shall eat the fruit of your labor.


Isaiah 65v 17


17 For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.

18 But be ye glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create: for, behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy.

19 And I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in my people: and the voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her, nor the voice of crying.

20 There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die an hundred years old; but the sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed.

21 And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them.

22 They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands.

23 They shall not labour in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for they are the seed of the blessed of the Lord, and their offspring with them.

24 And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.

25 The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent’s meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the Lord.



In Psalm 20 the Lord hears you in trouble but in In Isaiah 65 v 24 the scripture gives a stronger more intense relationship with the Father.  God knows before you even call, He will answer. And while you are yet speaking He hears you. What a glorious life to live in the Kingdom of God.  One explanation of the Kingdom of God is: The place of constant communication with the throne of God.  Stop worrying and start praying to live in the place of full blessing and favor.  Joy and answers are your reward.







Patience notices opportunity not dissapointment

Set of stamps

Opportunity comes in many forms. After a disappointing event it is the Spirit of Patience that carries you into the next chapter. Patience gets excited for the opportunity to learn and capitalizes on the wisdom from recent adventures. The alternative is to allow fear and doubt to creep in and belittle any progress that you made. Patience deals with problems from the place of victory.  You are Victorious (Channeling the Donnie Mcclercan song). You have the victory, so it is up to you to walk it out.


Disappointment is an emotion while patience is an emotion trainer. What can disappointment produce that will propel you forward? Patience makes you think about what you are feeling. Then you can develop or formulate your response. If you only respond in your prescribed fashion. Disappointment can not get hold of you.  Look for the opportunity to succeed when the world sees disappointment.

It’s time!!!

If you look for an opportunity to train yourself, your staff or your children instead of seeing disappointment then “No weapon formed against you shall prosper”.  Trails and the temptation to negatively react will happen and that’s when your patience will aide you most. The more personal the event the more difficult it is to apply patience. But know that God is in control and you will not even consider being irrational. Make small steps to look  for opportunities and disappointment will soon fade away.

The Definition of Patience to Dominate

Man on top of mountain

Increasing ones capacity for calm, admirable endurance of a trying situation, circumstance or person, this comes out of understanding, mastery or control of oneself and the knowledge that the Creator has supreme determining or guiding influence over all.


The Patience to Dominate

How to Make it Happen


Making it happen is only hard in your mind. Getting things going in the right direction starts with the “I can do mindset” . When you feel like no one else is there and you “gotta” make it happen apply these 3 principles.


Encourage yourself

This seems simple but to encourage yourself you cannot mumble. You need audible encouragement. Write down what you want to say to yourself.  I.E… ( I will publish my e-book before Christmas). Stop reading right now and write 3 encouragements for yourself. Talk good to yourself because the situation is already speaking negatively.


I will be mentally and physically strong.

I can achieve my goals in life.

I will stay ahead.

I won’t slack on little task I need to accomplish.

I will write down my goals and stick to them.

It is about God – not me


10 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going. Ecclesiastes 9:10 (NKJV)

Walk by Faith 

“We walk by Faith and not by sight “ Talk to God first about everything. Once you set some goals and practice encouraging yourself then get out of your comfort zone and make it happen with positive action. Every step is important. Do not get too happy with a little good work, keep walking out your dreams. Faith does not always see what is next but it definitely sees what the end result will be.


One interview is a stepping out on Faith, 20 interviews is walking by Faith

One sales call is encouraging, 20 sales calls is walking by Faith

Sitting at home praying demonstrates Faith in God. Praying while you are on the way to get what you deserve shows faith in action on this earth.

I shall put myself in unknown conditions in order to achieve what I need.

I will push myself to the limit and then go even further.

Instead of accomplishing 3 goals, I will accomplish 5 and then work ahead some more.

Instead of working to a stopping point, I will make it to a new beginning.


If it is to be it is up to me


I have used this statement before because it is one of the encouragements that I SHOUT when it seems that no one wants to help me. Generally the truth is, “No one wants to help me in the manner I want to receive the help.”

It is hard to help someone that does not want to help themselves. God will get it done with or without you.  You get more out of it if you let Him lead you.  So stand up and SHOUT ” If it is to be it is up to me.”

Theses are some things that are constructive to say. Within myself I will work until I cannot anymore, then once I have my strength back I will go and do it again.  I will not stop until it is set to where if I work or not it won’t even matter.


I am going to stop procrastinating and get it done.

I will stay focused and follow through.

When I write out my goals and I will not tweak them to make it easier for me.


Please Remember:


YOU have to get up and help yourself

You have to stop blaming the world for your problems

YOU have to put yourself in a better position

You have to stop looking for the easy way out

YOU have to stand up to the issues and overcome them


YOU have to Make it Happen


My question to you is…


What are you going to do to Make it Happen?

Protect the lead: Part II

Protect the Lead Part  dealt primarily with the actions of professionals in the work environment and Part II is a checklist that will help protect the spiritual and mental aspects of leadership.

A drop of dew and sunshine

1. A soft answer turns away anger

Change your tone and change the direction of the conversation. Answer others how you want to be received.

2. A leader uses knowledge in a positive way

As a leader you know things that can hurt or propel others and your organization. Use your knowledge in a positive way. Protect the lead, do not fumble information.

3. Be kind and add life

Make others around you feel good. You are adding or taking, increase the goodness and watch the seed of your good words grow.

4. Heed the Advice of your parents

Simply, life has continuing education course work that is never exhausted. The instructions of most parents come from a place of protection and love.

5. Save money for the good and the bad times

The righteous leader protects the monetary gains received from hard work and favor. Protect the lead by living by the principle of seed time and harvest.

6. Why sacrifice when you can pray

Leaders are inclined to sacrifice time and casual life for success. Leaders that pray can have it all, a casual life, free time and success.


Proverbs 15: 1-10 A soft answer turns away wrath


Protect the Lead

This is a sports analogy generally reserved for football but it also can be applied in Business. Generally, it is thought to be more defensive when your team is winning. Even on offense we want our teams to be conservative with their strategies and approach to the game when they are winning. I have a different philosophy on how to protect the lead. When your business is up, pour it on. Be relentless with all you do. Use your defense to blitz the quarterback. The opposing quarterback in business is represented by your biggest problem. Do not take a break from attacking and subduing whatever is attacking your business. If it is bills or production numbers, do not work with a slack hand when you are ahead.

protect the lead photo

Your offense should be even more impressive. You already know how to dominate and gain points. When your sales are up and you are covered in work figure out how to make more calls and appointments. Becoming a scoring machine and keep going for the big clients and bigger deals. Stay with your game plan, every yard is important. Look for the small deals also because they keep the sales quota going. If you need another reason add more effort just think of the third stringers that want to play. In business these are the new hires, people you may not know exist. When you get really far ahead you can rest a little and let the new hires help out some.
The Bible says in Genesis 1; 28 “And God blessed them, and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. This verse relates to protecting the lead because fruitful and multiply means making more of what God has given to you.

Finally, to protect the lead you have to remain patient and play smart. One fundamental way to protect the lead is to finish strong. Do not get sloppy because you have some success. You are only as good as your last play. Stay focused and make good decisions as if you are just starting the game.

What do you do when your stuff is not working and you cannot hear God?

We all go through this awkward but necessary step in life. Normally, the sentiment of “my stuff is not working” is a recurring theme. This theme is a trick to get you discouraged enough that confusion creeps into your decisions. Personally, I have been here with a variety of life decisions i.e.… (Marriage relations,) business ventures, dieting options etc.) Study these steps and give your life a jump start.

1. Pray

… The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:16

There are more instructions in the prayer closet than the Library of Congress. When prayer is involved you can rest easy. Be patient in your prayer time. The patience allows the thoughts of the world to fade away. Then Prayer allows the thoughts of your conscious and sub conscious to be subdued. Now with these cares removed you can better assess why your stuff is not working.
2. Follow the last thing God told you.
God speaks to all of us differently but you can guarantee that He speaks to everyone. We are all His children. It is easier for those who write things down to go back and see what was said. When God speaks rest assured that you remember. You may not want to go back that far or possibly do not want to complete the assignment but after prayer you will remember what He said to you.
3. Stop running away from your problems
If you are running, you are not building. Slow down and focus on building a better you. Build new(ideas, stuff) if new construction is necessary. Sometimes we are trying to make a mansion out of rubble. Either way you cannot build a mansion on the run. It is especially hard to establish a kingdom without addressing your problem areas. The problem may be that you choose the wrong system for the current environment. If you are being sweet when the “Warrior” is necessary… change systems to fit the times. Start running towards your vision.

“God is quiet because He is not in control of the ship” Janetta Spencer

4. Change under the New Captains orders

When you get your bearings and {understand what stuff works} it is time to change under the new Captain’s orders. We want to say “God is the captain of my soul”. If God is the captain of your soul then change your thinking to align with His words. If you relinquish the control and can be led by the Spirit all the decisions are easy.

You have to learn how to make the right decisions to avoid getting to the place where you say, “What do you do when your stuff is not working and you cannot hear God.”

6. Be Patient now and in the future

There is a time period to truly understand what God said. Some messages will come to you instantly and most messages are seeds that take time to grow. Rather the seed is waiting for us to grow.

Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain.James 5:7 

Some blessings seem take time even after the evidence appears just like the corn stalk is green and pretty for a long time before the vegetable appears. If there is no tangible sprouts or fruit after several sowing seasons go back to step one and fervently pray. No time is wasted following God because even if you made a misstep He will reward you.
If your stuff is not working the issue is either lack of patience or lack of proper hearing and both can be solved in your prayer room. After you pray then go out and perform. God is faithful and the world is waiting to see if you believe in the seeds you have sown with your mouth and your actions. When you follow God, Pray, Act and exhibit patience then “Your stuff will work and you will continue to hear God”

God is not afraid so why are you?

In the life of a leader the prize is on the other side work. And the work is normally in an arena that is higher and more involved than our current experience. Leaders have to consider the prize then overcome the obstacle. There are many things that are given to us because of favor from God and everything else we have to give an honest effort. In my experience favor comes along when I am immersed in work.

What is the number one fear of a leader? Consider not reaching your goal. Now consider not trying to reach your goal. Which is worst? We have an enormously high capacity to achieve greatness on this earth. Look at your next challenge and plan it as if it is your first. We all like to say, “if I could go back again with my current knowledge, I would be awesome!” Guess what? You cannot go back but you can forge forward into new endeavors or finish old visions without fear. There is no fear if we love and trust God.
If someone is in the same position as you and is not afraid why are you? Determine within yourself that you can achieve your goal and nothing is too hard for God.
If two leaders wish to accomplish the same goal but only one can win then the other has to keep going and trying to win without fear.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind
2 Timothy 7
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

1 John 4:18
After these things the word of the Lord came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.

Genesis 15:1

Dream the Impossible

It always seems impossible until it’s done. Nelson Mandela

On April 26, 1994, more than 22 million South Africans turned out to cast ballots in the country’s first multiracial parliamentary elections in history. An overwhelming majority chose the ANC to lead the country, and on May 10 Mandela was sworn in as the first black president of South Africa, with de Klerk serving as his first deputy.
The possibility of a Black president in South Africa had to seem silly but once it was done it now seems common. When Nelson Mandela was fighting for a free South Africa he had to imagine this society free and believe in the people and the process. Part of this particular process resulted in in lengthy jail time. Of all the dreams I have none of them involve jail time. When we first started our business we had a dream of financial independence. This seemed impossible because In had no real knowledge on the subject of business. Twenty years later it seems impossible to envision another lifestyle.

Dream big, think the impossible and then go do it.

Matthew 19:26
But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, with men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible

Our Father helps living Man create possibilities here on earth. Do not wait until you get to heaven to receive your glory work on it now. Expect great results and that is what you will have. Do not look at the size or difficulty of the task but look at the possibilities of the dream. Nelson Mandela came from a small village and influenced the world by focusing on what was possible. You will change your situation by acting in the same matter.

How to do a lot of things at one time

info@mikolji.comWrite it all down
Write all of your project and to-do things down on paper. I say this over and over and over again. Electronic notation in your phone or on your pad is fine also but set frequent reminders. Even set a reminder to review your list. Write down small things in a consistent visible place and you will have a better chance of completing them. If your list are large it is okay because at least you will not forget anything. Write down the major and the insignificant because the insignificant will cloud your brain at the most inopportune time. Remember to keep a consistent place for you list: sticky notes and little pieces of paper get lost. Finally, date all of your list.
Attack the hard stuff first
This is difficult to me because I like volume. I always try to do a lot of projects at the same time. So sometimes I will do the little things to prepare for the big thing. And what always happens is the big thing gets pushed to the next day. Do not procrastinate, Procrastination leads to bad karma. Sometimes the hard stuff needs a list of its own. This is quite aright and possibly preferable because another list will cause you to do it right. The premise of this step is to attack the hard stuff, do not wade in gently: you may get cold feet.
Let nothing wait
Are you ready to dominate, than stop waiting? Sure patience is a virtue but writing an action list requires action. Keep moving forward. Do not be proud of your to-do list, be proud of the action it inspired. Phone calls are the easiest, just take the first hour of the day and call everyone including the people that you know will not answer early. This will promote proactive action and most people will feel obligated to talk with you the second time around. Patience takes action and waiting takes time. Don’t waste time.