How to choose a Super Bowl quarterback: Leader

super bowlThe NFL had a great introduction segment to Super Bowl XLVIII. Written on a chalk board was the saying I WILL and each player had an opportunity to write in the blank a statement for the ages. At the end of this brief segment they gave us the voices of both quarterbacks. After I heard both leaders I promptly asked my children, who were not watching at this point, a question. Which quarterback would you rather have leading your team, the one who said, “I WILL, Compete my butt off”, or the one who said, “I WILL, Play the best 60 minutes of football in my life.” Both of them said individually and independently that they would prefer the leader that made the second comment.
Before I revealed the answer I asked them why they made this choice. The answers were profound. They said the “Compete my butt off” answer meant that this leader would rise to the level of his opponent. Whatever effort the other team put out, is what he would give back. The second leader that said, “I WILL, Play the best 60 minutes of football in my life.” Meant that this leader would give everything he had and more. They said he would determine his own fate with his actions and effort.
These answers were so profound because Denver Broncos Quarterback Peyton Manning said the first statement and that is exactly the effort we saw. The future Hall of Fame leader competed and let the other team determine his fate. Seattle Seahawks Quarterback Russell Wilson on the other hand gave the performance of his lifetime. Making passes that seamed far above his 2nd year skill level. His decisions in this game were masterful, knowing when to run, when to move and when to be patient in the pocket. His leadership effected the whole team and every Seattle Seahawk seemed to play the Best 60 minutes of football in life.
We respect the efforts and accomplishment of those who compete their butts off. When you have one chance to lead your team to big dreams think like Super Bowl Champion Russell Wilson. Before your next big test or meeting say:

I WILL, Play the best 60 minutes of _(insert your vocation vision)___ in my life.

Nelson Mandela: Leader for the ages

Nelson Mandela inspired a generation and was a leader from whom we can all learn a great deal. What if he was your personal mentor? What a wonderful gift and pleasure it would be to have personal and business lessons from a man of this moral and inspirational caliber. In the wake of his passing there were many tributes and a lot of quote compilations. When I read Mfonobong Nsehe article on I was inspired to imagine what kind of lessons would follow Mr. Mandela’s quotes.

I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from nature or nurture, I cannot say. Part of being optimistic is keeping one’s head pointed toward the sun, one’s feet moving forward. There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death.  Nelson Mandela

An optimist raises in the morning with hope in his heart. He looks for the bright spot in all situations. Some are born with this quality and sprinkle it on everything they touch. An optimistic leader is inspired by messy situations because now they are moldable.
One can also nurture an optimistic outlook by training. You must read to understand history and what positive mental attitudes great people took into difficult decisions. Make sure your immediate circle believes in you. Make sure they support your dream. When pessimistic viewpoints creep into your thinking defeat them with positive self-images. Point your head towards the sun means, look on the bright side of life even when it is cloudy somewhere there is sun. As a leader the cloud of despair is ever evident because people bring things to you for fixing. Judge righteously but have no negative thought.

Keep it moving.

Never stop working towards your dreams. Inside of you is an assignment from the ages, move toward it with passion. When you are doing good and accomplishing what you set out to do there is no time for camping, be a climber. Climb your mountain then plan for the next adventure. Whatever detours that cause you discomfort or delay shall not deny your goals. Keep calling and asking for what you need, even if you receive the wrong answer. Look for different avenues and people to give you the yes answer. Life is too short to stop at NO. Giving up is not an option and defeat is just a starting point.

Whether by nature or nurture be an optimist by choice.

Business leaders should Protect the lead

This is a sports analogy generally reserved for football but it also can be applied to your Business game plan. African American Football

Generally, it is thought to be more defensive when your team is winning. Even on offense we want our teams to be conservative with their strategies and game plan when they are winning. I have a different philosophy on how to protect the lead. When your business is up, pour it on. Be relentless with all you do. Use your defense to blitz the quarterback. The opposing quarterback in business is represented by your biggest problem. Do not take a break from attacking and subduing whatever is attacking your business. If it is bills or production numbers, do not work with a slack hand when you are ahead your offense should be even more impressive. You already know how to dominate and gain points. When your sales are up and you are covered in work it is time to protect the lead and make more calls and appointments. Becoming a scoring machine and keep going for the big clients and bigger deals. Stay with your game plan, every yard is important. Look for the small deals also because they keep the sales quota going. If you need another reason add more effort just think of the third stringers that want to play. In business these are the new hires, people you may not know exist. When you get really far ahead you can rest a little and let the new hires help out some.
Finally, to protect the lead you have to remain patient and play smart. One fundamental way to protect the lead is to finish strong. Do not get sloppy because you have some success. You are only as good as your last play. Stay focused and make good decisions as if you are just starting the game.

Your Laughter does not affect my Christian soul


You can laugh at me but it will not hurt me.My son gave this title without any more instructions.  After thinking about it I knew what it meant inside but putting it into words was a little more difficult. Daily we all battle something or some thought that nags us.  The thought that keeps pulling you down or worse just putting you down. Well those of us who are Christian have an answer that can stop this negativity in its tracks.

In the book “Patience to Dominate” there is a principle called “Unflappable, I shall not be moved.  This reflects the attitude of Christian towards any negative situation, especially ill-willed laughter. Stand firm and know that God is there to protect you.

Job 8:20-22

King James Version (KJV)

20 Behold, God will not cast away a perfect man, neither will he help the evil doers:

21 Till he fill thy mouth with laughing, and thy lips with rejoicing.

22 They that hate thee shall be clothed with shame; and the dwelling place of the wicked shall come to nought.


Dreams and goals are met with obstacles and these obstacles are primarily in your head. It is not over until you have the last laugh.

Abraham (in Genesis 21) named his son Isaac which means “he laughs”. But this reflects Abraham and Sarah’s unbelieving laugh at the promise of God. Do not laugh at the promises of God or you could cause delay in the blessing coming for you. Focus on the goodness inside of you and the unlimited goodness in the Father.


Job 5:22

At destruction and famine thou shalt laugh: neither shalt thou be afraid of the beasts of the earth

Luke 6:20-22

20 And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said, Blessed be ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God.

21 Blessed are ye that hunger now: for ye shall be filled. Blessed are ye that weep now: for ye shall laugh

Psalm 64:10

10 The righteous shall be glad in the Lord, and shall trust in him; and all the upright in heart shall glory.


It is demonstrated in these scriptures that God already knows that you will be laughed at in your life time.  You can turn this into good and literally laugh at destruction and not be afraid of the antagonizer. Get it together the blessing is coming your way. Use your patience to overcome. Confessions have power so let’s use them and say, “Your Laughter does not affect my Christian soul!”

What is something or someone you wish to use the statement against?

Take yourself off the Fiscal Cliff

Have you ever wondered what is going to happen when the country goes over the fiscal cliff? The first thing that happens is the bill collectors will know that our country is serious about debt freedom. And all of us in the family called the United States of America will go over the Fiscal Cliff also and have to pay the price. We will all pay a price sooner or later for the mistakes of our elected officials and the wizards of capitalism.  As a leader I have great respect for both professions but I do not believe they are focused on the effect these problems have on the common family. Having said that, “What can we do about the coming Fiscal Cliff and the challenges it will present?”

I think we all need to take ourselves off the Fiscal Cliff.


These following principles apply to our personal lives and the United States of America collectively.

Tighten up now or get tightened up later

If you look at your finances and it costs you more to live than you earn, then you must tighten up your spending. Look at the things you do not need and cut all conveniences.  Remember convenience kills.  My queen says, “Convenience is for rich people.”  Every time you say, :it is easier this way”, in the arena of purchases please measure the true cost. If you are not honest with every purchase you will find your self with less capital to work with.

Anything that we can do to raise personal savings is very much in the interest of this country.
Alan Greenspan

I’m climbing up, but I’m taking the scenic route

Once you take yourself over the fiscal cliff there will be some bumps and bruises, mainly to your ego and your immediate satisfaction.  After the initial pain it is necessary to have a mind make over.  If you have truly tightened up your fiscal life then you will have to add patience to your fiscal assent.   I call this taking the scenic route.  It may take just a little more time but you are enjoying the view.  Enjoy the little things, like removing the noose of the creditors and spending quality family time. It is not happiness that you gain from going over the fiscal cliff it is peace and whole life prosperity.

Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces.  Psalm 122:7

Are you ready to go over the Fiscal Cliff?  How will it hurt you? How will it help you?

Patience has no fear

  • Fear and faith cannot exist together
  • Children of God must act on the will of their Father



Patience has no fear because it knows the outcome will be delightful.  Fear comes to move you off of your path of great accomplishment.  Once I was afraid to commit to working out because, I thought the time would take away from my family. Then I questioned if an unhealthy lifestyle would take away years at the end of my life or cause countless days at the doctor’s office.  Fear has an unstable foundation and will crumble with careful consideration.  A person can live with fear so long, that it becomes comfortable to them.  We let fear speak to us in daily activities, so much that we think fear is our unconscious mind attempting to protect us. We must use our faith, our abilities and the Almighty to combat this enemy.  In the canvas of the mind fear and faith cannot co-exist, one will dominate.  Faith requires action, fear promotes inaction.  When decisions arise today ask for wisdom to recognize when you are bowing down to the calamitous reports of fear.


Strive to be a faith giant.  Faith giants move to different states to pursue dreams. Faith giants call businesses with ideas to sell and have no prior experience.  Faith giants claim debt freedom while possessing a horrid debt to income ratio.  God helps faith giants and those of little faith but the more your faith is evident the more He has to work with.  The Bible says,

“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.”  1 John 4:18


So love yourself, love people and love the Creator who continually supports you.  Repel fear and be patient for your dreams.

How have you overcome fear recently?

Change your thoughts and grow

The Patience to Dominate is a state of mind that converts all of a person’s dreams, goals, setbacks and delays into positive progressions for ultimate success.  The process of procuring patience is a major key to dominating your life.

The principles of the Patience to Dominate have relevance for the wildly successful and those with limited success. You may think that you do not have anything successful to report.  If you are alive you have a slice of success.  And your decision to read this shows your interest in improvement.  Now let’s prepare to dominate.


I have formulated a definition for The Patience to Dominate it is:

Increasing ones capacity for calm, admirable endurance of a trying situation, circumstance or person, this comes out of understanding, mastery or control of oneself and the knowledge that the Creator has supreme determining or guiding influence over all.


You have the patience to dominate by mastering yourself. To master and control yourself, you must dominate your thoughts and dominate your actions. Your thoughts should line up with your goals. If you want something to change and you are continuosly thinking thoughts of “it is always going to be like this”, then you will not have change.  Focus your thoughts on the change you desire.

After your thought world is functioning proper, put actions to your thoughts.  Actions small and great are required to dominate your world.  Move forward at every opportunity. Even when you catch yourself falling into bad habits don’t give up, make a positive action in your mess.


Know that The Creator “has supreme determining or guiding influence over all.” He is there helping you dominate, you are not alone.  When you exhaust all of your options, positive thoughts and positive actions, He is already there with the help.  You have to settle this in your mind and heart and move without fear.


You will have the Patience to Dominate if you change your thoughts, change your mind and trust God.


What will use your abilities to dominate today?

What is Consistency?

What’s the most consistent thing that you experience?


Consistency:  steadfast adherence to the same principles, course, form, etc.:

I know I need work in this area, so I decided to do a bit of research. The first word of the definition is steadfast? If I use steadfast I think of never letting go.  Imagine a baby kangaroo holding on to its mother or a stream that flows forever constantly providing life. To be steadfast is to be strong and mortally committed to achieving your goals.

What do we admire about the character of Consistency?  Who is consistent and how did they get that way.  Consistent people do not allow outside influences to disrupt their thought pattern. If you are committed to an idea, that causes you to have a short sided view of the world, this is powerful.  Those that think short sided, ignite innovation.  Rebel against the trend, if it causes destruction.

Consistency, madam, is the first of Christian duties.
Charlotte Bronte

Three Actions that will increase your consistency


You have to forgive your inconsistencies. Forgiveness allows for patience to stick, it acts as the glue on the tape of life.  Forgiving yourself opens your heart to explore the world.


Reflect on your core values

What legacy do you want to leave? Make your feelings a reality.  If you are true to what keeps you centered then you will not go astray.  Copy your goals and say them more often than you think you is necessary.

Change your routine to enhance your dreams

Let go and develop a consistent routine that includes the pursuit for your dreams and goals.  If your routine is not working alter your approach, but keep the same dream.  Expect greatness and use wisdom to consistently achieve your dream life.


Tina Turner’s song “Let’s Stay Together” strikes a tone for steadfastness.  If you can keep your commitments to relationships and values; you are counted among the consistent. Hang on to those things that are dear to you. As long as your hands don’t move you are consistent. Patience will support your consistent nature.

What traits do you possess that show your consistency?

What kind of Ambassador are you?

Be an Ambassador

  • Realize that you represent a higher cause
  • Your response or lack thereof must demonstrate control


Ephesians 6:20 For which I am ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

The idea of an ambassador is fascinating because you represent all the power and honor of the organization you represent however you are not the focus of that privilege.  Whatever cause you represent whether it is Boy Scouts, a multinational corporation, a family or a country the cause is greater than you as an individual.  Realizing that you represent more than just yourself should add restraint to your regimen.  Your actions now carry more weight which is good when positive motives are in play.

When you are a diplomat you have to decide whether to use Hard Power or Soft Power. Here is a quote from my forthcoming book “Patience to Dominate”

While it is rational to stay patient and focused on your goal, there are actions and mannerisms that can be used to diffuse tense situations and still allow you to emerge victorious.  This method is termed, soft power.  Soft power is used in diplomacy to enhance relationships and still influence the current situation in your favor.

Conversely some negotiations require a drastically different approach.  This diplomatic approach is called hard power. Hard power is like and eagle spreading his wings to demonstrate his majesty.

When you are serious about your position on a matter or an end goal, many times, the thing that challenges you will have less leverage.   “Patience to Dominate” the book


Ambassadors have many decisions to make on behalf of those they represent. Patience is needed to decipher what course to take when presented with a situation.  In all situations control over your tongue, your gestures, your finances and your time articulate the position of those you represent.



2 Corinthians 5:20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.

How will you be diplomatic today.

Triple Crown Leadership – Miguel Caberra

Miguel Cabrera has won the 2012 Triple Crown  for Major League Baseball. A feat that  very few men in history can lay claim. The attributes of a winning a Triple Crown in baseball can be applied to your life and leadership skills.

courtesy of the Bleacher Report

America’s national pastime as the first player in nearly half a century to win the triple crown, leading the American League in home runs (44), batting average (.330) and runs batted in (139).  The New YorkTimes, John Eligon 10/3/12


1. Miguel Cabrera had the best batting average so can you.

His team and coaches could count on him throughout the year to be consistent in his performance. You too can be consistent in all you do.  Doing what you are supposed to do has rewards.  When you are consistent you eliminate problems.

2.  Runs batted in show his ability to help others

Everyday you should look for someone to help.  Make it part of your mission to help others at work and home score. The world loves a team player even when it comes at a “sacrifice” to you. This is what Cabrera did by hitting so his team could score.

3. Have home run power

By being the home run champion Cabrera let the team and the opponents know that he was serious about moving forward.  You too can knock it out of the park if you work on what you are good at doing.  Look for something you do well and perfect that skill until you are a home run hitter.

I’m taking my time. I feel much more confident, and every day I feel like I’m getting better.
Miguel Cabrera

How are you developing your Triple Crown attributes?