Patience requires obedience

Chri.ChabotThis is an excerpt from a Course I am developing for Patient Leadership. The relationship between the path to patience and obedience takes a concentrated effort. The following principles shed light on what it means to have obedience in the world of Patient Leadership.

• To obey is better than sacrifice
• Obey your conscience
• Stick to your written goals even when large obstacles arise

The Creator puts parameters around to remind us of the need for obedience. As we mature we believe that we do not have to obey anyone. We proclaim that we have no master and our decisions are self-determined. One universal reminder is the demand of obedience to our bodies. These fleshly creations quickly let us know the limits and needs that must be obeyed. It takes patience to operate your body through proper rest, diet and meaningful exercise. This type of obedience must be demonstrated in our lives relative to acquiring The Patience to Dominate.

2 Corinthians 10:5-6
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 6 And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.

We must obey the code of conduct that shrouds our conscience. Obstacles may arise that will skew our actions away from set desires. The closer you are to fulfilling your destiny requires more obedience. Obedience is controlled restriction, sacrifice is forced removal. It is better to obey than to sacrifice.

Written goals are a part of obedience because life has an interesting way of adding distractions that function as masters. We must obey the goals we set so that the true call on our lives will manifest. We must obey the individual moral rules we set for ourselves. Trust yourself, trust what you have written and trust the Father.

Master your distractions.
If patience is our goal, obedience is our guide.

1 Samuel 15: 22
Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice

Is your life governed by obedience or sacrifice?

Failure is an option, do not choose it am not failure, Patient Leadership uses failure as another opportunity to achieve greatness.

If you fall, fall on your back. If you can look up, you can get up.
Les Brown

The other night I could not sleep and it was entirely my fault. It was the night after the Toastmasters Table Topics contest, where I came in second to better competition. I believe if I would have done my best, I still would have been challenged to succeed…. BUT, I stunk, my words were garbled, my eye contact was weak and my sentences were tangled. Worst of all I conveyed the personality of a sad toad. Maybe, this a little harsh but I believe I rank with the best speakers God put on this earth. Granted I am still evolving, I believed this was a step towards my achievable dreams. All that being aside, I went home with my head hanging down. And lost sleep thinking of how many; many times I have captivated the crowd in these situations. Truth is, I failed and I needed to figure out how to right the ship and right my mind. Oh, this was my first contest of this sort, so how could a person who teaches on patience be upset.

Upset I was so I called the Magic City Toastmasters, President, Alex Bumpers and he gave me his philosophy on how I should handle this situation.

Steps to take after a failure.

State of Reflection
Allow your mind to go over the details of the events. Give yourself some time to digest and process all the events. No judgment, just contemplation

Strategic Phase
New Vision is necessary to proceed. You had a vision of what success looked like and now you have to decide if you have the same desires. Queen Janetta said,”
You have to decide if you even want to play that game anymore.” Some goals are worth going for again and others are just proving grounds for the better life.

Action Plan
“Roles and Goals”. Define who’s going to do what and when. Make decisions that will propel you to the next level. My one reason for joining
Toastmasters was to improve my skills as an inspirational speaker. After my last performance, I can see there is aspects of my craft that need enhancement.

Alex Bumpers says, “You can’t be successful from 40,000 feet in the air, you have to get down in the trenches.” Hands on enactment are vital to the success of any
venture. Put your dreams into action. All babies need milk to grow. See and do it. The future belongs to those who are about their business.

Success or Failure
After following these steps you will either have success or failure and in both events you should go back to the Reflection phase to gather more intelligence.
By continuously repeating this process you will eliminate failures and multiply success.

Anytime you suffer a setback or disappointment, put your head down and plow ahead.
Les Brown

What process do you use after a failure or success?

15 years of Marriage teaches Paitent Leadership

On my 15th wedding anniversary I thought about, what have I learned. It is shared here with you to enjoy. May God bless you and all the marriages around the world. I am grateful that my wife taught me and I thank God for the ability to listen and hear the wisdom of Patience.

1. You can’t do it alone
In marriage you quickly realize that anything you can do by yourself is better when done together. Leadership is the similar because marriage is
an agreement between two people to love, honor and respect

2. Communication is essential
Leaders have to communicate early and often. In marriage you have to communicate even earlier and more often

3. Listening is essential
The old saying, “you have two ears and one mouth” should be the clue. Like in marriage, leaders should close their mouths and open their hearts
so that peace and progress can prevail

4. Breaks are necessary
Leading a volunteer organization caused me to realize that taking a break from the familiar routine refreshed all aspects of the team. If
something is not as smooth as you would hope take a pause for the cause and decide what is the most positive direction for everyone involved.

5. Detailed plans reduce friction
“Write your vision and make it plain”, this Bible verse holds true in marriage and leadership. Do not be afraid to write your goals on
small issues as well as the large ones. This will cause you less time in the explanation phase

6. Assumptions cause friction
Do not assume you know what the other person is thinking or how the other person will react. I am still learning how to implement this is
everyday partial applications. Sometimes disagreements are only in the mind and not necessarily the reality. Prior actions are not always an
indication of future results.

7. It is only as good as you think it can be
This is the mind over matter/situation trick. You are what you think you are. You have what you think you have. Patient Leaders say what they
want to see. Any complaints will manifest as actions. Dominate your thoughts, Dominate you actions, Dominate your World(tm)

8. Apologize with sincerity and forget about it
Some people resent a sincere apology because they wish to have their moment of anger but the majority of the world appreciates this rare gift. I
you are wrong just say you are wrong, now everyone is free to move forward. If you forget about it truly than now there is room for love to

9. Take it serious
Life is serious and so is marriage but moments are precious. So enjoy the journey. Enjoy the small things and expect the big things.

10. Dont take it so serious
Patient Leaders fully grasp situations yet they still direct attention to the lighter side of life. Look for every opportunity to laugh.
Learn as many jokes as possible. Let the smile of others be your reward.

First Lady Michelle Obama: Moving Forward…with patience and wisdom

Our First Lady Michelle Obama delivered a wonderfully moving personal message in which she named patience and wisdom as core values for success. To be
specific she was referring to the character and Patient Leadership and Clear Vision of her husband President Barack Obama. I believe she was also calling on the character of our entire nation. In the short excerpt below there are numerous keys like “Barack never lets himself get distracted by the chatter and the noise” that demonstrate what it takes to have success in life.

Here’s a link of some speech highlights.

And I love that even in the toughest moments, when we’re all sweating it – when we’re worried that the bill won’t pass, and it seems like all is lost – Barack never lets himself get distracted by the chatter and the noise.

Just like his grandmother, he just keeps getting up and moving forward…with patience and wisdom, and courage and grace.

And he reminds me that we are playing a long game here…and that change is hard, and change is slow, and it never happens all at once.
But eventually we get there, we always do.

She adds to the core values, “courage and grace”, these traits of Patient Leadership are the part that make it look easy. Like politics, in life we are “playing a long game” and by remembering this we can keep your heart rate low and reduce stress over small issues. The United States of America is stronger now than it was four years because of people like the Obama’s and those that lead before them. I am stronger now because have more time to spend with my wife and children.

I am grateful to the Father for this time to bond with my family it has blessed me in areas that a booming personal economy can not provide. In 2 Peter 1:5-7 the Bible says

5 And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge;
6 And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness;
7 And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity.

All of these character traits point to Patient Leadership and make us better all around. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama are an American success story and now we see at the heart of this success is patience and wisdom.

I know if you add “patience and wisdom and courage and grace to” to your endeavours will you have an abundantly fruitful life in four more years?

EvangeliCrat: Evangelical and Socially Responsible

EvangliCrat(tm) is an Evangelical Christian who first believes the Bible and trust in the Holy Trinity. An EvangliCrat is socially responsible and in tune with the needs of God’s people. These ideologies promote unity by following the teachings of the Bible. There is a new Commandment:

John 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

It is possible to support all the tenets of the Bible and still protect the rights of those with different beliefs. It is possible to love your neighbor and disapprove of their actions. It is possible to rely on the Father to supply your needs and then support those in need by feeding, housing and clothing them. Here are two scriptures that speak to that:

1. Deuteronomy 8:18 But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.

2. Matthew 25:35-36 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me

This is a free country founded on equality for all, let’s live that way. A political system that celebrates only two options does not speak to freedom. There is an opportunity to make another voice heard. A voice that is meek but powerful. Evangelical Christian values are not exclusively for the Republican Party and Socially Responsibly citizens are not exclusively for Democratic Party. There is a voice that must stand up for justice by following moral principles that are founded in truth, protect Civil Rights without compromising principles and thinking with a socially conscious collectiveness that promotes achievement.

Join the movement that will shift our country back to the people.

Health care show me your new face

The New face of health care was not considered when the county commissioners of Jefferson County Alabama decided to close inpatient care at the Cooper Green Mercy Hospital, which cares for poor and more importantly the majority of people with no insurance. The claim was that our county could not afford “Indigent Care”. The indigent population is only a portion of the people served by this hospital.

The new face of health care is the man who worked for a religious organization and terminated for no fault of his own. When he showed me his glasses and then said “thank you” to Cooper Green.

The new face of healthcare is the thriving business owner that keeps the employees at their current pay but cannot afford insurance. These employees if they need care will be burdened with a bill or go without care.

All of the under employed retail workers that serve you anything at bargain price, have insurance at minimal levels. They can be called the “working poor”.

To this day I like applesauce with raisins on top because they were given to me at a free day care, while my mother was receiving prenatal health care at Grady Hospital in Georgia. Thank God for those people seeing our faces at that time.

Feed the people who need the help.

All of these people are standing beside you, worshipping beside you and some share a common family tree with you. This decision is not only hurts the person under the bridge it hurts the person in the mirror.

For all the rhetoric and mismanaged funds in our county the focus has again turned away from the people and is now back in a familiar place. Politicians fighting with politicians to keep jobs for executives that will land them on their feet and the constituents out of the door. The commissioners continue to say that there are other good hospitals in the area… This is true the Birmingham Metro has a lot of stellar hospitals that run on payments from the insurance companies. These are stories of communities nationwide. This one is happening in my community, so I will not sleep anymore.

Wake up if you care and wake up if you have been thrown into the pile. IF you care about people then sitting still and keeping quiet is not an option.

Rise up if you are the new face of Health care.

Smart goals promote Clear Vision Vision and Smart Goals are paramount to cultivating Patient Leadership. Why practice goal setting if you are not going to use them. This is an argument of the person stuck in procrastination. There are three reasons to set goals even if you never strike out and accomplish them.

1. At least you have a clear vision

When you talk with many people they have fuzzy vision but, smart goals elevate you to clear vision status. With a clear vision statement those around you will have a chance to help you grow. We must use the brain trust that God makes available to us before more will be added. I wrote about creative vision in a previous article about Martin Scorsese.

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he

Proverbs 29:18

2. Smart Goals inspire others

Some of your goals are simply to inspire others to change their unconscious mind. They inspire others to create their own clear vision statement. In many cases those around you look to you for Patient Leadership.

3. Writing smart goals removes doubt

When you are ready, you do not have to take the time to write your goals. This slows procrastination and increases success rates. Procrastination arises with doubt and fear. Planning combats fear and promotes peak performance.

How have you used Patient Leadership to promote your vision statement?

Patient Leadership versus Skills

Patient leadership is one of the skills that can fix a multitude of problems. One of my trucks needed some repair so I called the local mechanic and he said that he could fix it in one day and it would cost around $500.00. Oh, if you want to know what the Lord said. He said, “If you are patient I will help you.” So, I had the spirit of patient leadership to guide me through this ordeal. While the price sounded reasonable I wondered if I could do it myself for a little cheaper and have it back on the road in a couple of hours. I called a couple of friends that had experience doing this sort of job and they advised me that it was fairly straight forward if I knew what I was doing. So I checked on the internet for the price of the part, it was listed around $375.00. This price seemed high so I called some used car parts dealers, there was one available for $100.00. Now we were in the ballpark of where I wanted to be, I had to tap into my patient leadership to even find the part. After driving to the place and arriving back at the house with the used part, I realized I needed a specialized puller to remove a piece. Here I go back to the store. Oh I remember to try this used part first. So now I must remove the original part and try the replacement part. It is not the exact part. Now I call the big box auto parts store and get a refurbished one with a guarantee for $160.00 and a core charge of $125.00. I put this one on and it leaks everywhere which I discovered around 9:30 PM. It is night and I am tired. The next morning I go to a different parts store but, I must clean and return the other part. I have a new part from a new store, and the old broken part, and the part from the used store. The bolts from the old part need replacing also, and I have to find a store that has them. I put everything back in place and it works fine. The relief comes over me and it has taken 24 hours to complete. After returning all the unused parts the cost was around $200.00 but at one point I had nearly $500 in cash floating around. Here’s what I learned from this decision.

1. If you are not a mechanic do not play one in life.
Although you may possess many talents, some talents are better left to others. Many entrepreneurs have to wear an array of hats during the course of the day but smart ones know how to buy time by using qualified others. This is a warning of patient leadership that I did not show. I had all the tools and skills to complete this job, except for one pitman arm puller. This still did not qualify me to efficiently complete this job. Hire a qualified industry leader so that you can stay focused on your main business skills.

2. The internet does not always display the best price
This is not just a knock on the internet but a knock on the whole “Do it yourself” marketplace. The marketing teams at these companies present scenarios that seem to be easier and more satisfying than allowing the experts to handle it for you. A leader knows the best price is the one that factors in all the variables. Patient leadership thinks of all the possibilities and makes decisions on the entire project not just on narrow parameters like money.

3. Know what your time is worth
The professions where time is billable and can be quantified make it easy to state how much your time and skills are worth. In other professions with soft skills and variable earning potential it can be more difficult. In any case it is wise to have a working number to tabulate your worth, especially when you perform tasks not essential to furthering your cause. In my case I could have generated far more revenue by ignoring my soft skills and being a patient leader in my main business. The other factor which cannot be calculated is the lost time with friends and family. I cancelled a school trip with my son to work on this vehicle. Although I made it up with a camping trip I cannot get the day we lost together back.

How have your skills helped or hurt your Patient Leadership ability?

Success has a familiar process

Every successful person goes through a process that determines the magnitude of their determination. The statement, “Occupy until I come,” is taken directly from the Bible. The quote from Luke 19, verse 12 and 13, is “A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return. And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come.” In this foundational scripture each servant or worker has the opportunity to create a profit or be successful. As part of the process each person has to decide:

•What business are they going to start?
•How they are going to acquire the product or service?
•What is their market advantage?
•How best to distribute what they are selling?
•What process will replicate their efforts?
•How to stay true to their original values and beliefs?
•What constitutes profit and success in the business world?
•How does the Holy Spirit want you to proceed?

These are general principles that if followed will demonstrate a road map for success. This process can be applied to any endeavor, small or great. I challenge you to name any success by an individual or business that you view as effective and determine if they do not draw on many or all aspects of these principles.

Put your life skills to the test

If you are alive, your life skills will be tested. Get ready to display your leadership attributes and do not fret. When we think of tests that are not related directly to standardized test, we normally attach a trial and/or tribulation not that our life skills. This is not necessarily true. The kind of tests that are prescribed here are more measuring stick than tribulation. God already knows what the results are. The tests are for you to add confidence to yourself and the process. Whatever adjustments are needed will be evident.

There is no reason to be nervous, because if you are honestly trying to increase your Patient Ability, God gives you grace and mercy. One of the most lasting images and phrases in the American dialect is, “This is a test. This is only a test,” and it is played on the radio and television. We do not have any anxiety attacks when we hear this message, nor should we when the tests of our abilities arise. I believe we should look forward to them as a way to mark our progress. Some tests are longer than others, but all of them end, and we must prepare for the next round. Look forward to demonstrating your leadership ability on the upcoming life skills examination.

This is an excert from the book “Patience to Dominate” it is conatined in the chapter – Paitent Ability , Occupy til I come.

What life skills test are you preparing to dominate?