Have joy in the small things


Do you pray for the small things? A small prayed I said recently was, “Lord I thank you that nothing is lost, therefore I thank you that I find my pocket knife.”  It seems trivial to ask the God of the universe for something as inconsequential as a pocket knife but I was thinking about it so I asked.  The knife was out of my possession for about 6 months

I was looking for my keys in the drawer that I normally keep my keys and way in the back I saw the knife.  The joy that I felt was overwhelming.  My heart was warm and the smile on my face was one of those cheek burners (the kind of smile that make your cheeks hurt because you’re smiling too hard).  What struck me as odd is that I haven’t felt this way in a while. What caused me to feel this way about this small tool?

We are thankful for the things that give us joy more than the ones that make us happy.  Sometimes we take our joy for granted. Joy normally comes from gifts that keep giving.   Do you have people or things that are in your life that you do realize are truly significant? So why did I have so much joy in finding this small part of my Life?


Here are some reasons I have joy over this knife hopefully you will have more meaningful things and people that give you joy

  1. My knife is useful

This particular knife is a Case brand knife that is maybe 4 ½ inches long open and thin but it is not fragile.  It is strong enough to turn screws.   It can whittle branches to nothing and perform delicate razor operations

2.   A little attention makes it perform better

The second thing I did after I put it my pocket and tapped it a couple of times, was to sharpen it.  If I take care of it, it will cut anything I ask of it.  Just like the people around you.   Don’t take anyone or anything for lightly.

3    Joy is small enough to hide in plain sight

Many things that give us joy are right in plain sight.  This knife was tucked away in a drawer that I use daily and when I have it I throw it in my pocket where it stays until I need it.  Moments are precious – look around and be thankful.


The Bible quote that completes this thought is:

Philippians 4:6 (KJV)

Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.


God is interested in your well-being and your joy.  Look for the people and things that promote the warm feeling of joy and ask God to increase your awareness of them.


What gives you joy?

False Alarm, Good Drill: Plan for the unexpected


How prepared are you for when there is no power coming to you? The other day when our power went out, it was a few minutes before dark and we were settling in for the evening. At first we were content to wait 45 minutes for the power company to kick in to high gear and get the lights back on and then reality set in.   Now it is time to break in to action. Locate the flashlights and check for batteries.  Light candles, no locate candles then light them.  Now, I have to run outside and fire up the generator and locate the cords to power our lives.  Finally, we are ready to plug-in and have a mini-campout.  As soon as we do all of this and the evening turns completely dark, the power comes back on.

False Alarm, Good Drill

After going through all of these actions only and not using the tools I was a relieved.  Then I began to reflect on other areas of my life and I wondered did I have drills for simple things in life that more than likely will happen.  I needed to plan for the unexpected.  Could I set up some drills like the grade-school fire drills to have my family better prepared for calamity?

Could we use this as leadership lesson?  Sure.  Here are a few things leaders can do to be prepared for calamity.

  1. Make a list of likely challenges that will arise

What if you as a leader have to step away for an extended amount of time?  Is your organization or family ready for this?  If there is a flood or storm coming towards you, how long do you need to secure vital documents and essentials to start over?

2.  Be honest about your ability to overcome catastrophe

If you do not already have the tools to help during a crisis, acquire them.  Look at your situation honestly and make the necessary adjustments.  A lot of tools and plans are already in place if you assess them properly and put them in your survival plan

3.  Run the drill as if the event is actually happening

During the power outage, the only reason that we so calmly pulled out all of the things necessary to survive is that we had done this before.  There are a lot of things that have never happened in your organizations or in life but have a high possibility of occurring. Plan for the unexpected.  Identify these things and prepare a drill.  This is like having a will, having a business succession plan or writing who to call in an emergency on the inside of your wallet.



Tell me about some of your False alarms that were good drills.

Change your thoughts and grow

The Patience to Dominate is a state of mind that converts all of a person’s dreams, goals, setbacks and delays into positive progressions for ultimate success.  The process of procuring patience is a major key to dominating your life.

The principles of the Patience to Dominate have relevance for the wildly successful and those with limited success. You may think that you do not have anything successful to report.  If you are alive you have a slice of success.  And your decision to read this shows your interest in improvement.  Now let’s prepare to dominate.


I have formulated a definition for The Patience to Dominate it is:

Increasing ones capacity for calm, admirable endurance of a trying situation, circumstance or person, this comes out of understanding, mastery or control of oneself and the knowledge that the Creator has supreme determining or guiding influence over all.


You have the patience to dominate by mastering yourself. To master and control yourself, you must dominate your thoughts and dominate your actions. Your thoughts should line up with your goals. If you want something to change and you are continuosly thinking thoughts of “it is always going to be like this”, then you will not have change.  Focus your thoughts on the change you desire.

After your thought world is functioning proper, put actions to your thoughts.  Actions small and great are required to dominate your world.  Move forward at every opportunity. Even when you catch yourself falling into bad habits don’t give up, make a positive action in your mess.


Know that The Creator “has supreme determining or guiding influence over all.” He is there helping you dominate, you are not alone.  When you exhaust all of your options, positive thoughts and positive actions, He is already there with the help.  You have to settle this in your mind and heart and move without fear.


You will have the Patience to Dominate if you change your thoughts, change your mind and trust God.


What will use your abilities to dominate today?

Letter #2 to Hurricane Sandy Victims



This is the second letter that I would write if I had a friend that was victim to the tragedy of this great Storm Sandy.  It can serve as a letter to anyone that has been through a life altering experience.


I was going to wait a week to send you another letter but I realized that the weekend was coming and you probably have a million thoughts running through your head.  Cast down all of your negative thoughts and replace them with thoughts of gratitude.

Help is coming, just not the way you think.  You may be out of luck, but you have plenty of favor, grace and blessings.  If you are reading this letter you have more physical and mental blessings than you can count.  I know it seems like you have been fighting a long time to keep it together, but that is just the fatigue and shock of going through this change.  You must continue to take a long term view to keep your mind right.

I know you have a lot of personal pride but please except help and assistance where it can be found.  Now that I have said that, get out and handle all of your business.  Do not be deterred from putting your life back together.  You will recover in the process of rebuilding.  You cannot wait to recover and then rebuild.  Move forward with tears in your eyes and the love of God in your heart.

A final note: If you feel like you are not strong enough to stay and fight then make your mind up to move on.  There is no shame in shifting your efforts elsewhere.  This will cause immediate intense heartache but will give you relief quicker than fighting through this trouble.  Ride with peace and your decisions will be easy.


Praying for you,

William J. Spencer, IV

What is Consistency?

What’s the most consistent thing that you experience?


Consistency:  steadfast adherence to the same principles, course, form, etc.:

I know I need work in this area, so I decided to do a bit of research. The first word of the definition is steadfast? If I use steadfast I think of never letting go.  Imagine a baby kangaroo holding on to its mother or a stream that flows forever constantly providing life. To be steadfast is to be strong and mortally committed to achieving your goals.

What do we admire about the character of Consistency?  Who is consistent and how did they get that way.  Consistent people do not allow outside influences to disrupt their thought pattern. If you are committed to an idea, that causes you to have a short sided view of the world, this is powerful.  Those that think short sided, ignite innovation.  Rebel against the trend, if it causes destruction.

Consistency, madam, is the first of Christian duties.
Charlotte Bronte

Three Actions that will increase your consistency


You have to forgive your inconsistencies. Forgiveness allows for patience to stick, it acts as the glue on the tape of life.  Forgiving yourself opens your heart to explore the world.


Reflect on your core values

What legacy do you want to leave? Make your feelings a reality.  If you are true to what keeps you centered then you will not go astray.  Copy your goals and say them more often than you think you is necessary.

Change your routine to enhance your dreams

Let go and develop a consistent routine that includes the pursuit for your dreams and goals.  If your routine is not working alter your approach, but keep the same dream.  Expect greatness and use wisdom to consistently achieve your dream life.


Tina Turner’s song “Let’s Stay Together” strikes a tone for steadfastness.  If you can keep your commitments to relationships and values; you are counted among the consistent. Hang on to those things that are dear to you. As long as your hands don’t move you are consistent. Patience will support your consistent nature.

What traits do you possess that show your consistency?

Do not get tired of dreaming.


Dream like a baby


The other day I was thinking this dreaming thing gets old, especially if you have high expectations.  The problem comes when dreams do not see any results.  Every dreamer needs encouragement so I am here to help those of you that still want to be on the dream team.  Below are a few things that can be used in low moments to you back on track.

1.       Be encouraged

Be happy that you still have the opportunity to envision a more peaceful existence.

2.       You have to keep hope alive

No hope, no life.  This is simple but direct because once you give up the hope of achieving your dreams; your ability to dream will diminish.

3.       Think positive and shine the light on your dream

Norman Vincent Peale had it right; there is Power in Positive Thinking.  Think big and think positive often.  Also, shine a light on your dreams.  Let some others know about what you are dreaming about.  Do not feel ashamed for delayed dreams.

4.       Stay with your dream, persistence pays dividends

You will see victory if you continue to the end.  The privilege of persistence is that you are now familiar with the enemy.  Now you know what do to and you are equipped to overcome.

5.       Loose the attitude

Just because you are not living in a dream state, does not give you the right to throw sour grapes at everyone else.  If you have an bad attitude, you are blocking your dreams. 

10. Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be. 11. Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?  James 3:10-11


Here is an easy way to get back to on the Dream Team.  Pick two things that you know you can do and complete them.  After that pick three hard things and finish them quickly.  Now you can do this over and over again until your Dreams are Dreams no more.  All you have now is a Dream life.


What 2 things are you going to do today to help your Dreams?

What kind of Ambassador are you?

Be an Ambassador

  • Realize that you represent a higher cause
  • Your response or lack thereof must demonstrate control


Ephesians 6:20 For which I am ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

The idea of an ambassador is fascinating because you represent all the power and honor of the organization you represent however you are not the focus of that privilege.  Whatever cause you represent whether it is Boy Scouts, a multinational corporation, a family or a country the cause is greater than you as an individual.  Realizing that you represent more than just yourself should add restraint to your regimen.  Your actions now carry more weight which is good when positive motives are in play.

When you are a diplomat you have to decide whether to use Hard Power or Soft Power. Here is a quote from my forthcoming book “Patience to Dominate”

While it is rational to stay patient and focused on your goal, there are actions and mannerisms that can be used to diffuse tense situations and still allow you to emerge victorious.  This method is termed, soft power.  Soft power is used in diplomacy to enhance relationships and still influence the current situation in your favor.

Conversely some negotiations require a drastically different approach.  This diplomatic approach is called hard power. Hard power is like and eagle spreading his wings to demonstrate his majesty.

When you are serious about your position on a matter or an end goal, many times, the thing that challenges you will have less leverage.   “Patience to Dominate” the book


Ambassadors have many decisions to make on behalf of those they represent. Patience is needed to decipher what course to take when presented with a situation.  In all situations control over your tongue, your gestures, your finances and your time articulate the position of those you represent.



2 Corinthians 5:20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.

How will you be diplomatic today.

Triple Crown Leadership – Miguel Caberra

Miguel Cabrera has won the 2012 Triple Crown  for Major League Baseball. A feat that  very few men in history can lay claim. The attributes of a winning a Triple Crown in baseball can be applied to your life and leadership skills.

courtesy of the Bleacher Report

America’s national pastime as the first player in nearly half a century to win the triple crown, leading the American League in home runs (44), batting average (.330) and runs batted in (139).  The New YorkTimes, John Eligon 10/3/12


1. Miguel Cabrera had the best batting average so can you.

His team and coaches could count on him throughout the year to be consistent in his performance. You too can be consistent in all you do.  Doing what you are supposed to do has rewards.  When you are consistent you eliminate problems.

2.  Runs batted in show his ability to help others

Everyday you should look for someone to help.  Make it part of your mission to help others at work and home score. The world loves a team player even when it comes at a “sacrifice” to you. This is what Cabrera did by hitting so his team could score.

3. Have home run power

By being the home run champion Cabrera let the team and the opponents know that he was serious about moving forward.  You too can knock it out of the park if you work on what you are good at doing.  Look for something you do well and perfect that skill until you are a home run hitter.

I’m taking my time. I feel much more confident, and every day I feel like I’m getting better.
Miguel Cabrera

How are you developing your Triple Crown attributes?





Patience requires obedience

Chri.ChabotThis is an excerpt from a Course I am developing for Patient Leadership. The relationship between the path to patience and obedience takes a concentrated effort. The following principles shed light on what it means to have obedience in the world of Patient Leadership.

• To obey is better than sacrifice
• Obey your conscience
• Stick to your written goals even when large obstacles arise

The Creator puts parameters around to remind us of the need for obedience. As we mature we believe that we do not have to obey anyone. We proclaim that we have no master and our decisions are self-determined. One universal reminder is the demand of obedience to our bodies. These fleshly creations quickly let us know the limits and needs that must be obeyed. It takes patience to operate your body through proper rest, diet and meaningful exercise. This type of obedience must be demonstrated in our lives relative to acquiring The Patience to Dominate.

2 Corinthians 10:5-6
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 6 And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.

We must obey the code of conduct that shrouds our conscience. Obstacles may arise that will skew our actions away from set desires. The closer you are to fulfilling your destiny requires more obedience. Obedience is controlled restriction, sacrifice is forced removal. It is better to obey than to sacrifice.

Written goals are a part of obedience because life has an interesting way of adding distractions that function as masters. We must obey the goals we set so that the true call on our lives will manifest. We must obey the individual moral rules we set for ourselves. Trust yourself, trust what you have written and trust the Father.

Master your distractions.
If patience is our goal, obedience is our guide.

1 Samuel 15: 22
Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice

Is your life governed by obedience or sacrifice?